Book Review: Winger by Andrew Smith
I. Characters:
A. Ryan Dean: The character development was spectacular. Ryan Dean, the main character, was one of those characters that you couldn't help being annoyed by -but in a good way. Because in the end, Ryan Dean was a 14 year old boy, and 14 year old boys are nothing short of annoying. Realism: A+. Later on, he develops as a character and matures, and it still is realistic. His flaws didn't evaporate. They were still there, but he generally matured as a person and learned from his mistakes.
B. The Characters In General: They all felt so real. It's like if I search thoroughly, I will find Ryan Dean, Joey, Chas, Casey, etc... going about their business. It's just so realistic, which is hard to find these days. It was a bunch of teenage boys acting like their teenage boy selves. Good job, Andrew Smith.
II. Plot: The ending was brilliant and it totally blew me away. My only complaint is that there should have been more build-up to the climax, but then again, the shock of it played a role, and in real life, nothing really builds up to big things like that, so you can call it realistic too.
III. Overall: Wonderful plot. Wonderful characters. Fantastic book. 5/5 stars.
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