
Showing posts from November, 2014

Completed Series (As of Nov 2014)

So I was gazing at my bookshelf, and I noticed I have quite a few completed series, so I thought... why not make a list?

Book Review: Normal by Danielle Pearl (Must-read!)

Thank you to Danielle Pearl, the author, who provided me with an egalley of her book in exchange for an honest review.  So, Wednesday, November 19, 2014, I woke up at 1am. I couldn't sleep. So I was like, "What the heck, why don't I start one of the unread books on my kindle?" So I picked up Normal, a NA Contemporary Romance. In my head, I believed returning to sleep while reading a contemporary was easier than while reading an action packed fantasy. Hell no. I was hooked immediately from the first page. And come 6am, when I have to get ready for the day, I realized, "Well, shit. Now I didn't get any sleep." And I was already halfway through the book. It's that good. Trust me. All throughout the day, I kept thinking about it. The finally, at 7pm, that same day, I picked it up again. And I read for four hours straight. And I finished the book. I cried. I smiled. I laughed. It was that good.

Winter Book Recommendations

Okay, so I know it technically isn't winter for another month, but I guess the weather has become to darken, and book lovers everywhere are pulling up their blankets and mugs and grabbing their books. The time has come. So here are my recommendations for the winter.

Book Review: The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey

Hold up! Hold up. Someone please explain to me why I took so long to read this masterpiece. W. H. Y. 

Book Review: Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan (Spoilers)

If you haven't read this series, please leave, as this contains spoilers. Here are my thoughts on the fifth and final book in the Heroes of Olympus series.