Thank you to Danielle Pearl, the author, who provided me with an egalley of her book in exchange for an honest review. So, Wednesday, November 19, 2014, I woke up at 1am. I couldn't sleep. So I was like, "What the heck, why don't I start one of the unread books on my kindle?" So I picked up Normal, a NA Contemporary Romance. In my head, I believed returning to sleep while reading a contemporary was easier than while reading an action packed fantasy. Hell no. I was hooked immediately from the first page. And come 6am, when I have to get ready for the day, I realized, "Well, shit. Now I didn't get any sleep." And I was already halfway through the book. It's that good. Trust me. All throughout the day, I kept thinking about it. The finally, at 7pm, that same day, I picked it up again. And I read for four hours straight. And I finished the book. I cried. I smiled. I laughed. It was that good.