Book Review: The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey
Hold up! Hold up. Someone please explain to me why I took so long to read this masterpiece. W. H. Y.
So last night when I opened my kindle, I was at 52% in The Fifth Wave. Fair enough. I've been busy and slacking off on my reading. Fast forward a couple of hours later... would you look at that! 100%. I was so into it. This book is a masterpiece. It's the most unique thing in all of modern YA. Of course, when the movie comes out, you should expect alien invasions to be the new thing, and you'll have a load of series being published. After all, YA dystopians are starting to lose their grip on the youth, right?
It's so different. It's unbelievable. It's post-apocalyptic with some dystopia in there. It even has some love, but is the romance annoying? No! Did it even for one minute draw us away from the bigger picture? No! It was so down to Earth. So realistic. I'm terrified now.
I was on edge for the whole second half of the book. You never know who to trust and who the good guys are. It's confusing. The POVs never felt out of place. This may just be the best book I've read all year. What a wonderful way to get out of my reading slump. I'm speechless. It's THAT good.
So who's this organization? Who's this guy? Who's this girl? Who's innocent? Who is? WHO IS WHO AND WHAT IS WHAT???
Cassie is the queen of all snarky, badass female protagonists. Easily one of my favorite characters ever. They way she states things. It's so UGH I DON'T HAVE THE WORDS. It's amazing.
The action, everything. It all connects beautifully. It's amazing. The narrations were flawless. Everyone is a great character. I connect to them. I feel like they're my friends, and I'm going to miss them until I pick up the second book.
Again, you're so unsure. You never know who you can trust. You can only trust two people: Ben and Cassie. And if I could choose any two people to trust, it would be them. I'm just so connected to them. Some of my favorite characters. Hell even Sammy connected to me.
Rick does such a great job at making us so unsure of our loyalties. He was so skillful. So many things in your head. So much paranoia and confusion.
The ending was flawless. Things tie together so well. Rick Yancey is a master and The Fifth Wave is his masterpiece.
Oh, and I forgot to mention Evan. I loved Evan. I just cannot describe my feelings towards this book.
I need The Infinite Sea.
This book gets 6 stars out of 5 from me. A masterpiece.
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