Book Review: Okay by Danielle Pearl

I cannot believe this story is over. No. I just won't believe it.
Sam and Rory's story? Over? Impossible.
They're staying with me forever.

What a book; what a series; what an author!

Non Spoiler Section:

The conclusion to the Something More series was everything I had anticipated -but even more! I got to witness pain and love and character development.

It was a truly breathtaking finale. I thought couldn't possibly love this series any more -I was wrong! The day I decided to trust my instincts and read Normal was a great day indeed. I'm so glad I got to take part in such an amazing story.

There's not more I can say without it being spoilery, so I'm going to leave it here for all you people that haven't read it.

Do it. Start this series. It's so important. You'll learn so much about love and recovery. It's a great experience. 

Go. Get the book. 

Spoiler Section:

Will anyone ever know the internal pain I was feeling every. single. time. Sam or Rory did anything stupid. Every single time they denied their love for each other.

When Sam was avoiding Rory? My heart was shattering.

But you know what killed me more? Rory. The way she blamed herself for everything. Cam's death, Sam being in trouble... hell, she even blamed herself for getting raped. She thinks it's her fault. And it wasn't frustrating. Not one bit. Because it was so real. There ARE girls like this. In a world reeking of rape culture, girls DO blame themselves for getting raped, and it was so relieving seeing her come to terms with the fact that it wasn't her fault -it was his.

Rory's development was amazingly done. It was so realistic that I felt like I knew her. Rory is my friend. I'm going to text her right now so we can go out and get some coffee together. She touches you on a personal level, and Danielle Pearl has a unique way of delivering her. 

Now let's get started on Sam. Sam also has his flaws. He has anger issues and he's good at distancing himself, but grows. They both do. That's what's so amazing about it. The character growth is truly remarkable.

And don't get me started on all the other characters. Everyone! From Tuck to Carl to Dave. Hell, even those girls at the bar. (Okay, not the Forbes family tho) And Cam, oh how my heart aches for him. 

But from him, we learn that some tragedies do lead to good things. If he hadn't died and she hadn't moved, she would've never met Sam to begin with. 

The life lessons, the life lessons! I learned so much from this book; it's unbelievable. It teaches you everything about love and forgiveness and dealing with things. It teaches you that it's okay for things not to get better immediately; some wounds won't heal, but it doesn't mean that life won't continue to move forward.

The ending was outstanding, and I'm so glad some details weren't acknowledged completely, leaving room for the reader's imagination but not rendering the ending unsatisfying. 

5/5 stars, and I wish I could give more.


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