Book Review: The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey
So Rick Yancey. Rick Yancey. Rick Yancey.
This book.
He’s a genius, I tell you.
So around a week ago, I finished the Infinite Sea, the sequel to The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey. Hear that? “Sequel”. So if you haven’t read this and the first book, I advise you to leave because there will be spoilers.
Okay, so I do rate this slightly lower than the Fifth Wave, at 4.75 stars this time (I rated the Fifth Wave 5 stars), but this was only due to the lack of action in Ringer’s parts. BUT it was so thought-provoking that it never came off as boring.
Now, I do wish we got to see more of Cassie, as she remains my favorite character in the series, but it was nice seeing Ringer develop as a character and discover new things about herself and the world around her.
And ugh, SO many theories are going around my head. Ringer mentioned it: maybe the “Others” are just enhanced humans looking to wipe out the population and start over. Because humans were so cruel to their home. AND THE RATS. OH MY GOD THE RATS. At first, I was very confused, but now I understand it. We are the rats, destroying our home, and the “aliens” or “others” or whatever are annihilating us to save it, the same way we kill the rats.
And it’s just so deep because it just made me sit and think about where all this “living” is going. Is it really living? Or are we just destroying?
We’re the rats.
And it’s so fascinating because Rick Yancey executes it in such a beautiful way that makes you able to sit in front of a wall for an hour and just thinking about everything. Life and death and humanity.
And it’s such a good book for that.
That’s what makes a good book: the ability to make you sit for hours, hungover and thinking. Thinking thinking thinking about this book and the message and the theories and ugh! I can’t wait so long for the next one! It’s impossible.
What did you think of The Infinite Sea?
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