How To Get Out of A Reading Slump

So it’s no question that reading slumps suck, and now, the holidays are here, so it’s time to get out of those slumps and catch up on our reading.
Here are a few ways that will (hopefully) help you get out of your slump.

1)     Reread a favorite series: The classic. Chances are, if you reread Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the 7th time, your reading pace will quicken and you’ll be able to get other reading done just as fast.

2)    Do what needs to be done: This sucks, but… clean your room. Finish your assignments. Do whatever needs to be done. This will clear your conscience, and you’ll be able to read without feeling like you should be doing something else. You’ll feel like you’re reading because you want to, and it’ll all flow more smoothly.

3)    Ditch the 900paged fantasies: Pick up a short 250-paged novel to keep you reading.  Keep the mammoths for a time when you’re feeling extra in the mood. 

4)    Have a read-along with a friend: I find this to be effective because nothing frustrates me more in a read-along than when the other person is ahead of me in the book. It drives me to read faster.

5)    Stop trying: Maybe it really is a time meant for a slump. Take a break. Binge-watch Doctor Who or just listen to your favorite music. Maybe then, you’ll get the inspiration to read again. The time will come. You’ll get back to your reading habits eventually.

I hope this helped! And if you have anything else to add, leave a comment below!


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